Good morning friends. I will tell you again it has been a struggle to get out of bed, but that is because I have had late nights all week preparing for paperwork hand in and May Forum!
May forum is when all of the contestants get together to showcase their talent and swimsuit/physical fitness. Of course you want to look your very best at that time because as we all know the world me live in people will be judging you.
When you show up at May Forum you must REALLY show up. Strut your stuff and make everyone realize you are Miss South Carolina. Now you are probably wondering why I am giving advice or giving away secrets, but I am not. Every pageant girl knows this!
I do not think I ever told you why I started pageants... Well, I was always a very shy child. I mean so bad I would not leave my mother and would throw a fit if she left the house. It was not a good situation. My aunt had participated in pageants and I loved to watch. One day when I was 11 years old I told my mom I wanted to be in a pageant. Of course she was shocked. But I did it and ever since then I have competed. If you know me you can back me up with this, but I am one of the most outgoing, friendly, silly at times, open, love to public speak type of person. See what pageants can do for while providing scholarship! I would love for my daughter one day to compete in pageants ONLY when she is OLD ENOUGH to tell me she wants to. I will not have my infant showcased on stage when they do not even know what is going on!
Ok lets see what is on the agenda for today... Oh yes! More coffee sales, work, workout!, and get some rest because it is off to New Jersey tomorrow.
Listen... I have not heard from one person who has read this blog that they would like to buy coffee for CMN... that hurts my feelings. Think if an ill child asked you to buy coffee from them to help raise some money so that they know they will still be alive the next day. So that they know they will be able to breathe the next day because they had the proper care and medicine. So that they can see their brother or sister again because the hospital was able to assist them in procedures they needed. Think about it people while it is only $10.00, that money can make the biggest difference!
If your excuse is you are not a coffee drinker than I have a solution for you. Take that $10.00 or so dollars and deposit it into the CMN account I have........
There you go ! No excuses... NOW HELP THESE KIDS!
Desiree <3
.::. There Can Be Miracle's When You Believe.::.
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